At Ashhurst School, we want our parents to be fully informed about their child's progress at school. A significant contributor to the success of every student at Ashhurst School is to be engaged in all learning opportunities while at school. The purpose of this report is to indicate your child's level of engagement in each of the learning areas. This shows your child's willingness to participate in classroom activities and playgrounds sustainably and positively. It also provides information about your child's attendance at our school. Students should achieve a minimum attendance level of 90% over the year. A reminder this is not an achievement report, it is only based on their engagement in school. Reports indicating academic achievement are sent out separately in Terms 2 and 4.
Every three weeks, parents receive a report based purely on their child's classroom engagement and playground behaviour. These reports are going to be emailed to both identified caregivers on our school management system. These are sent out on each Wednesday in weeks 3,6 and 9 after school. The report covers the following areas
Each of these areas is on a scale from 1-5. The scale is as follows
5 - All learning tasks were fully completed for the period to a high standard, and excellent behaviour in the class. (Outstanding)
4 - Attitude towards learning was very good and tasks were completed for the period, and the child behaved very well in the class. (Very Good)
3 - Attitude towards learning was satisfactory, and most of the time, the child's behaviour and engagement were appropriate. (Good)
2 -Attitude towards learning shows concern. The child was not fully engaged in learning for the period. (Of concern)
1 - Attitude towards learning is highly concerning. Learning was not attempted or the child was defiant. The child is not engaged in learning and is disruptive in the classroom environment. (Highly concerning)
5 - All physical tasks were fully completed for the period, and excellent behaviour during the sessions. (Outstanding)
4 - Attempted most of the physical tasks for the period, and the child behaved very well during the sessions. (Very Good)
3 - Activities were done to a satisfactory level, and most of the time, the child's behaviour was appropriate. (Good)
2 -Did not actively participate in physical tasks (i.e. did not bring togs to swim), the child was not fully engaged in learning for the period. (Of concern)
1 - The child was non-compliant. The child was not engaged in activities and was disruptive/and or defiant in the environment. (Highly concerning)
5 - The child's behaviour at school was outstanding, showing all of our school values, and provided no issues at all during the period.
4 - The child's behaviour was very good. No issues.
3 - The child may have been involved in some minor issues or had to be redirected at times.
2 -The child was involved in a minor issue in class or the playground during this period. Parents had to be contacted, and the child was redirected to the organised game or other follow up was required for the rest of the week.
1 - The child was non-compliant and/or disruptive in the classroom or playground. The child was either involved in major behaviours or several minor incidents. Parents had to be contacted, so alternative learning and/or play measures had to be put into place.
Children who score a COMBINED score between 3.0 to 5 had a good to an outstanding period at school. The higher the points, the more successful and engaged they have been.
My child scored an average between 4 - 5 as a COMBINED score for the period but can not contain any score lower than a individual 3 .
You should congratulate your child on a great period at school. Your child will be rewarded using our sterling system with the following.
Scoring 4 to 5 - 10 sterling will be added to their account.
Note any student with a 2 in the period will not be eligible for the additional sterling.
On top of this, students will receive a bonus of five sterling if they have 90% attendance during the period.
My child has scored an average between 3- 3.9 as a COMBINED score for the period.
This is an excellent opportunity for you and your child to sit down and reflect on the period together. Set some goals or talk about what areas they could improve. It would not be expected that you need to meet with your classroom teacher.
My child scored between 1-2.9 as a COMBINED score for the period.
If your child scores below a three as a COMBINED score, then your child's behaviour is concerning. Children who score below three as an overall score will not be able to participate in extracurricular activities including but not limited to including Elite Sports and Ricoh Sports. If children are selected to play in these teams during school, they will be withdrawn, and a reserve will take their place. Children will be considered for reselection once they score three or higher on the following report. Children would still be able to attend practices during this period by negotiation.
Children scoring this low as a COMBINED score for the 2 out of three periods in the term will not be considered for activities such as camps, AIMS games, or other overnight-based activities in the following term.
Any payments made for these activities would be fully refunded.
My child has scored a 2 in an area.
If your child has an INDIVIDUAL score of 2, you will have already had a phone call from the classroom teacher or will receive a phone call from the teacher at the end of the week. It is clear from the scoring that the child has not been engaged in learning this period and has been disruptive to their learning, potentially other learners in the class, and the playground.
In this event, you can expect the following steps to happen.
In the first instance, the classroom teacher will have already contacted parents to outline the issues and request your support to ensure the child is focused on having a positive experience in the following week/period.
Should your child score this low in the following period, then a joint phone call from the teacher and team leader will occur, outlining the issues and requesting your support. At this stage, our teaching staff will work collaboratively to develop support plans to assist your child.
If this occurs for a third time consecutively, we will contact parents for a meeting. We will develop a collaborative action plan during this meeting to help reengage your child in learning. In this meeting, you can expect to meet with the teacher, team leader and one of the deputy principals.
My child has scored a 1 in an area
It would be expected that contact would be made immediately by the principal. Events at this level either have a level of disruption for other students in our school or non-compliance from the student towards staff. Should this occur for a second time within the school term, you will be required to come to school and meet with the school principal to discuss the potential for further support/disciplinary measures.
Please note that we reserve the right to contact parents for individual scores of 1 within the engagement reporting, as this behaviour is unacceptable at Ashhurst School.
The school still reserves the right to implement measures, such as stand-downs and suspensions, immediately in appropriate situations.
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